Hey, everybody.
Esquire Magazine just dropped another incredible story, and while it’s a profile piece, it, like the previous Mini-Cinq, is not your typical one. Especially as the one being profiled takes the story, and like his character in Gladiator II, turns it on its side through a first-person perspective.
I come back to Esquire’s Editor in Chief Michael Sebastian, whose latest edition of his weekly Letter from the Editor newsletter is a piece on its own to digest:
“Male friendships can be built on seemingly vaporous foundations—a shared sports fandom, the recitation of lines from Wedding Crashers. Rarely do we delve into more personal matters: relationships, loss, mental health. But that doesn’t make the friendships less meaningful. We still get into the important stuff; it just might be under the cover of discussing a Wilco show we saw twenty years ago.
Or Denzel Washington movies.”
It’s a serious sidebar to the topic that unites Michael’s dad group, Denzel Washington movies, and a setup to talking about the latest cover story by Esquire’s Ryan D’Agostino on the absolute legend.
I always take care of Frank.
He knows when he sees me, I hit him off.
He didn’t have a chance, man.
Here’s the thing about this story. It’s unlike any profile I’ve recently read, because it’s raw and powerful…straight from the legend himself.
"A man will run fast toward a pot of gold, but he'll run faster with a tiger on his ass.
An artist's job is to move people."
- Patrick Fealey
~ C O L O P H O N ~
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